Having been immersed in AWA method writing workshops with Sue Reynolds and Pat Schneider for almost seven years and having recently completed the AWA certification training for leading writing workshops, its method of facilitation is deeply embedded. Its guidelines...
In my novel, The Cost of Weather, there is a scene where the protagonist and his closest friend are having coffee in a cafe. Simon, the protagonist, has asked his friend to meet him, having reached a crisis point and in need of advice. When this scene was read at...
One of the fun parts of creating a fictional character is considering what he’ll look like and who could play them in the movie version. I have always thought that John Cusack looks like Simon, the protagonist of Weather Vane. He’s handsome, but not...
Lilacs bloom, filling the warm air with heady scent. How do you describe the smell of a lilac? Does it smell like wind and sun? Silt and grapes? Smell has to be described as something else. A story of the heart has to be told as something else. When I first caught...
>As I wait for my manuscript to come home from school, I have been holding up pieces of it to the window and to the mirror. I watch light sparking off its facets as it turns in my hand. Some of the sparks have caught fire. Here are some of the secondary characters...
>This Monday, I ripped apart my manuscript. I had been hoping that in this rewrite, I would be able to draft a few new opening scenes, rewrite a couple of important ones in the middle and patch it all together. It’s not going to work. It’s just not. I...
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