Donna Morrissey once said in a workshop something along the lines of: one only needs to mine the stories of one’s life in order to create fiction. This statement has been ringing like a bell lately. I’ve finished writing my last novel and while I’m waiting for it to...
I’ve listened to agents, editors, teachers and friends advise, guide, support and suggest ways to approach and improve my novel. I’ve been down dirt paths, super highways, and regular old two-lane roads according to their direction. Although I have always written, the...
Writers love to read about writing. It makes us feel not quite so alone. The thing is, reading about writing doesn’t get the book written. Writing the book gets the book written. And writing the book is damn hard, because the more one writes, the more exacting...
I have been writing my novel, The Cost of Weather, for four years, which is apparently not so stunning in the novel writing world. I’ve come to think of this work as my thesis. Writing the novel has taught me how to write a novel. I hope. Recently, at the CCWWP...
I’ve said before that Author Salon is not easy or particularly fun. It still isn’t. But I’m committed. The concept of this site is brilliant: authors work together to pull together the most enticing polished profiles and synopses of their novels, so that editors and...
Dale Long, my fellow Write Brain critique group colleague and Novel Approach alumni writes an engaging blog on writing, family and issues that bug the hell out of him. He has a feature there called, The Author’s Voice, wherein he interviews writers at the...