Lilacs bloom, filling the warm air with heady scent. How do you describe the smell of a lilac? Does it smell like wind and sun? Silt and grapes? Smell has to be described as something else. A story of the heart has to be told as something else. When I first caught...
As I prepare for five days on the shores of Lake Simcoe with Pat Schneider, I consider what I wish to accomplish on those dream-come-true days. Weather Vane has rounded a corner and is bouncing toward the finish line. It would be so lovely to dedicate most of my time...
>My manuscript is printed and hole-punched and nestled into three brand new binders, and waiting for next Wednesday. That’s when I will hand it over to be read and critiqued by my lovely mentor, Sue Reynolds.I’m feeling much more confident now, that I have...
>Into my inbox a week or so ago, there arrived a notice of an upcoming literary evening in an Oshawa coffee house, with an invitation for writers to read their work. What I wanted to read was my new piece, but I had just entered it in a contest and it was quite...
>This Monday, I ripped apart my manuscript. I had been hoping that in this rewrite, I would be able to draft a few new opening scenes, rewrite a couple of important ones in the middle and patch it all together. It’s not going to work. It’s just not. I...
>The first scenes of what is today, Weather Vane, were flaw-full. My word. I read somewhere recently that most authors guard the secret hope that their first draft will be publication-ready, with perhaps a few changes, such as a comma or the capitalization of a place...