Okay, I didn’t do it right. I was supposed to add the names of those who would carry on this blog chain of novels in progress, and I didn’t. Because no one answered my email requesting their posts. Then Ruth Walker emailed me to ask if I’d like to...
A couple of weeks ago I received an email from my friend Lauren Carter, asking me if I’d like to carry on a “blog tour.” She wrote: “I was just tagged in an ongoing blog tour by Aga Maksimowska to do a blog interview about what I’m...
Writers love to read about writing. It makes us feel not quite so alone. The thing is, reading about writing doesn’t get the book written. Writing the book gets the book written. And writing the book is damn hard, because the more one writes, the more exacting...
It is day four at Maryholme Retreat Centre on Lake Simcoe and I have just completed another full edit of my novel, Weather Vane. I have been hearing the voices that say bad words in my head again. I heard them and I kept walking over the lawns with my clipboard and my...
Lilacs bloom, filling the warm air with heady scent. How do you describe the smell of a lilac? Does it smell like wind and sun? Silt and grapes? Smell has to be described as something else. A story of the heart has to be told as something else. When I first caught...
As I prepare for five days on the shores of Lake Simcoe with Pat Schneider, I consider what I wish to accomplish on those dream-come-true days. Weather Vane has rounded a corner and is bouncing toward the finish line. It would be so lovely to dedicate most of my time...