Within a month of announcing it early this year, the April 2020 writing and yoga retreat in Spain filled up. But plans change, especially when you consider that there were sixteen of us planning that trip so far in advance.

Regrettably, four people have had to withdraw. The good news is that, if you’d considered joining us but didn’t register, now is your opportunity!

In response to a request for more detailed information about the retreat I’ve written the following:

Our days begin with gentle yoga to open the body and bring the focus into the present.
After breakfast, we gather to write. The focus of the exercises vary but always aimed at deepening each writer’s authentic voice. Delivered in the AWA (Amherst Writers & Artists) method of writing workshop facilitation, the writing portion gives the writers diverse opportunities to deepen their practice. We’ll explore the concept of duende through the works of Federico Garcia Lorca.
In addition to spontaneous supportive feedback given in the daily workshops, each writer is invited to submit up to 10 double spaced pages for comprehensive feedback.
Wednesday or Thursday of the retreat there will be a group excursion to Ronda, a city beloved to Rainer Maria Rilke, Earnest Hemmingway and Orson Welles. A flamenco experience and dinner will complete the experience.
Each day I’ll offer an optional prompt to take into the afternoon’s writing, and for those who choose to participate, we’ll gather in the evening for readings.
Pick up at Malaga Airport is at 1 pm on Sunday, April 19, 2020
The program begins after dinner that evening.
The program ends at noon on Sunday, April 26, 2020
Transportation from the retreat to Malaga Airport at 1 pm with an approximate arrival time of 2 pm.