I have recently signed with New York agent, Stephany Evans of FinePrint Literary Management. Everyone I’ve told understandably wants to know what’s next, when will it be published, how much have I been paid, etc. Which is hilarious given the reality that...
I’m no stranger to broken bones, concussions, and sprains from the whims of grumpy horses, so after the last rejection threw me flat to the ground I climbed back on my literary horse. In a Facebook post I shared that I was sitting in my car eating dark chocolate...
Having been immersed in AWA method writing workshops with Sue Reynolds and Pat Schneider for almost seven years and having recently completed the AWA certification training for leading writing workshops, its method of facilitation is deeply embedded. Its guidelines...
I’ve listened to agents, editors, teachers and friends advise, guide, support and suggest ways to approach and improve my novel. I’ve been down dirt paths, super highways, and regular old two-lane roads according to their direction. Although I have always written, the...
Writers love to read about writing. It makes us feel not quite so alone. The thing is, reading about writing doesn’t get the book written. Writing the book gets the book written. And writing the book is damn hard, because the more one writes, the more exacting...
Four weeks until the Algonkian Writers’ Conference in Niagara Falls. This for me is the next step… the big one into the real world of presenting my novel for potential publication. This conference promises to nip and tuck the manuscript, help me develop...