Write Now banner

A perfect time to Write… Now.

~ with Deepam

Launching the writing process for writers at all levels of experience and expertise.

What you’ll experience:

  • Prompts to launch fiction, memoir, essay & poetry
  • The opportunity to share selections of your writing
  • Feedback on what works in your writing

Bring your journal, your pen, and your willingness to be surprised by your own brilliance.

5 week series: 7:00 – 9 pm Thursdays from October 1

$95.00 inclusive

6 week series: 7:00 to 9 pm, Mondays from November 2

$115.00 inclusive

Minimum: 5 participants
Maximum: 8 participants

Preregistration required

Payment can be made by bank e-transfer to: deepamwadds@gmail.com
or at the first workshop by cash, cheque or credit card

or by Paypal:
Choose a series

* New location *

~ Unit 106, 17 Colborne Street East, Orillia

“Whether your purpose for writing is artistic expression, communication with friends and family, the healing of the inner life, or achieving public recognition for your art – the foundation is the same: the claiming of yourself as an artist/writer and the strengthening of your writing voice through practice, study, and helpful response from other writers.”
– Pat Schneider, Writing Alone and With Others
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Deepam Wadds is an AWA Affiliate, certified to lead workshops in the AWA method as described in Writing Alone & With Others by Pat Schneider, Oxford University Press.

For more information about the AWA method of facilitation, please go to: http://www.amherstwriters.com/