In the past two weeks, two of my writing colleagues have had their full manuscripts requested, and one other has just placed third in Ten Stories High short story competition. I was just reading an article on the seven deadly sins that writers make, and one of them was denying jealousy. I had to think about that. Because I do sometimes feel jealous when  others write magnificently, but right now when I go searching for jealousy, I can’t find it. I’m so proud and happy for my friends, because they do write extremely well and they deserve it. The main feeling I’m having is elation, however.

laptop love
Because I keep hearing how impossible it is to break in, to get published, how the publishing world is changing and you have to go it alone, and so forth. So these clear indications that it ain’t necessarily so, put such a bounce in my pen. It CAN happen. First you have to write, and then you have to send your stuff out. When it comes back you send it out again. I think there’s a little love-puppy songster out there who put it very well (albeit not with much originality) “Never Say Never.”

So three big high fives to Lisa Llamrei, Noelle Bickle and Phyllis Diller Stewart.