You want to write. You love to write. So… Let’s write. Spend an entire day diving deep into guided writing practice. Inspired fresh prompts, elements of craft, supportive feedback, snacks and more! There are still spaces available the July 13 and August...
The rain began in the night with a gentle patter; drip, dripping like a forgotten faucet. Paris is closed, cars washed from the streets and the Louvre floats in a rippling lake. In Texas, horses swim across roads and soldiers are tipped from their truck into the...
There are so many things to do other than write. All writers know that’s true. I’ve been on a Pelee Island writing retreat for nine days with no other task before me but to write. Divine, dedicated, and delicious, this time has been a big chunk of heaven. Here, I...
For several years I’ve been participating in prompted writing workshops, and last year I became a certified writing workshop leader in the AWA (Amherst Writers and Artists) method of facilitation. I’ve written many pieces about the magic of this process;...
Today, in Sue Reynold’s divine Sanctuary Sunday – a full day to dive deep into words, to come at ideas, images, and stories in fresh ways – she offered up as a prompt Thomas R. Smith’s poem, Baby Wrens’ Voices. With the invitation to use...
Warning: this blog post is a bit of a ramble. It’s been a while since I posted, so many of the notions bouncing around in my head have found their place here, however tangentially connected. There are times when I literally ache for a stretch of days in which to...