I’ve begun to write approximately a dozen blog posts in the past weeks. Most recently I wanted to share my deep delight at being able to write with my peers for six straight days. Skilled, perceptive, honest, and supportive critiquers are hard to find. I wanted to...
There are so many things to do other than write. All writers know that’s true. I’ve been on a Pelee Island writing retreat for nine days with no other task before me but to write. Divine, dedicated, and delicious, this time has been a big chunk of heaven. Here, I...
I’ve listened to agents, editors, teachers and friends advise, guide, support and suggest ways to approach and improve my novel. I’ve been down dirt paths, super highways, and regular old two-lane roads according to their direction. Although I have always written, the...
Maybe I’m intolerant. Maybe I’m a snob. Understand, I like a glass of wine or beer from time to time; occasionally, on particularly festive occasions, I like a Margarita. Two, even. And don’t get me wrong, I love a sensuous tumble perhaps more than the next guy....
Writers love to read about writing. It makes us feel not quite so alone. The thing is, reading about writing doesn’t get the book written. Writing the book gets the book written. And writing the book is damn hard, because the more one writes, the more exacting...
I hazard to imagine (if one can hazard such a thing) that I am in the final sweep of editing my novel before submitting it to the kind editors and agents who requested it. One question that I have asked myself over the past years is, if I had known what it took to...