I’ve begun to write approximately a dozen blog posts in the past weeks. Most recently I wanted to share my deep delight at being able to write with my peers for six straight days. Skilled, perceptive, honest, and supportive critiquers are hard to find. I wanted to...
When I was twenty-one I set out to become a dancer. For six months I’d been drinking in Europe – its museums, galleries, cafes and its men – but I was still thirsty. I’d been stretching my legs on the balustrade of my Persian lover’s balcony while...
In 1982 or thereabouts, Cross-Canada Writers’ Quarterly accepted my short story, Oblique Angles for publication, with a note that went something like this: …although there are many better written stories, yours is au courant… In other words, your...
I’ve said before that Author Salon is not easy or particularly fun. It still isn’t. But I’m committed. The concept of this site is brilliant: authors work together to pull together the most enticing polished profiles and synopses of their novels, so that editors and...
My novel, Weather Vane is The Cost of Weather now, thanks to a suggestion by an administrator at Author Salon, a remarkable and unique new service available on the web. I was invited to join the site as it was being developed. The process of joining proved to be the...
Four weeks until the Algonkian Writers’ Conference in Niagara Falls. This for me is the next step… the big one into the real world of presenting my novel for potential publication. This conference promises to nip and tuck the manuscript, help me develop...